Happy Holidays from the President, Joe Garcia
As we embark on our 7th year of existence, I would like to thank all the individuals, organizations, and companies who continue to believe in the mission of the California Farmworker Foundation (CFF). If it weren’t for your continued support, the organization would not be where it is today. CFF has become an organization that continues to empower Farmworkers daily while providing much-needed services to improve the quality of life of Farm-working communities in California. Our ability to create meaningful, trusting relationships with Farmworkers has allowed us to continue being a voice for farmworkers and their families.
For those reasons, CFF continues to be the leading community-based organization in collecting data and providing resources on-site to farmworkers in California. Our work continues to be crucial in assisting Farmworkers daily and providing them with access to much-needed support services such as health care, education, and food insecurities, to name a few. Today, more than ever, your donation can impact the lives of Farmworkers and their families. Any contribution to CFF is highly appreciated and will go a long way in bringing much-needed resources to Farm-working communities.
Thank you for your continuous support. We wish everyone a Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year!
Joe Garcia
President & Founder, CFF